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Arenas Castle

Castle of la Triste Condesa

Built in the 15th century. Owned by the town hall, the Tower of Homage is currently under restoration. In August, the main courtyard is used for cultural and recreational activities.

In 1393, the king Enrique III granted Arenas de San Pedro the village status and appointed Ruy López Dávalos, of Castile to start its construction.

It is popularly known as the Castle of the Sad Countess, because after the execution of don Álvaro de Luna in 1453, Juan II allowed his widow, doña Juana Pimentel, the Sad Countess, to rule the village.

Source: Web server of Instituto de Turismo de España, TURESPAÑA.

Avila guide

Avila map
Avila Information
Avila City
Avila Caves
Avila Gastronomy
Avila Hotels
Avila Museums
Avila Natural Spaces
Avila Palaces
Avila Walls
Avila golf information
Avila weather
Basilica of Avila
Cathedral of Avila
Avila Outskirts
Avila Holy Week
Avila Monastery

Avila Restaurants

The Avila of Sta. Teresa

Avila writers

Arenas Accomodation
Arenas castle

Arenas restaurants

Arevalo information

Arevalo restaurants

Arevalo accommodation

Cochinillo of Arevalo

Barco information

Barco Castle

Barco accommodation

Barco restaurants

Barco Beans

Barco of Carlos V

Madrigal information


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