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Murcia Monuments

The Church of “Nuestro Padre Jesus”: 17th century. Built by Francisco Montiyuelo and Blas Lopez on the site of an earlier chapel it belongs to the religious fraternity of the same name, founded in 1600. The façade was completely remodelled in the 18th century. Restored I nthe twentieth century, in 1960 it became a museum of the works of Francisco Salzillo, displaying a fundamental part of the huge body of creative work by our brilliant local wood- carver (1707-1781). The main feature is the set of eight processional floats belonging to the fraternity and the 556 figures of the world- famous Christmas Crib.

The Casino: 1847. In 1902 Pedro Cerdán carried out the building of the present fancifully- styled façade giving onto the Calle Trapería, a centuries old social life in the city, containing a lovely library, the hidden secrets of the Ladie´s Powder Room, a magnificent Moorish patio designed by Manuel Castaños and a splendid Neobaroque Ballroom, all well- worth a visit.

The Bishop´s Palace: 18th century (1748-1768). A Rococco style building with two noteworthy facades, one giving onto the “Cardenal Belluga” square and the other onto the “Glorieta de España” gardens. It is the work of Pedro Bagán, Baltasar Canestro and José López, who also contributed to the main front of the Cathedral. Its central courtyard, main staircase, Bishop´s Balcony (known as “El Martillo”) and Palace chapel should be seen.

The Convent Church of Santa Ana: 18th century. Built between 1728 and 1738 by Fray Antonio de San José and Torribio Martínez de la Vega, it is the third church to be raised on the site of the convent founded in 1490. Te main door is the work of Lucas Corrales. Inside, the main altarpiece by josé Ganga Ripoll is to be noticed, with its thirteen wood carvings by Francisco Salzillo. Do not go away without sampling the delicious freshly- baked cakes which the Sisters of the Enclosed Order sell through the revolving hatch.

The “Malecón” walk: 18th century. Buiding commenced in 1730 on the foundations of a flood embankment already in existence in 1420. Today it is a pleasant walk, about three metres above ground level, which takes us about one and a half kilometres into the surrounding market garden area, enabling us to admire panoramic views of the city and countryside, equally interesting at all times of year. As we begin our stroll we pass a delightful Boticanal Graden.

The Church of San Miguel: 17th and 18th centuries, built on the ruins of an earlier church. Specially noteworthy are the richly coloured Baroque alterpieces, work of the woodcarvers Jacinto Perales and Francisco Salzillo. It stands opposite the Jesuit College of San Esteban, the former church of San Esteban and very near to the interesting “Casa de los Nueve Pisos” (nine- storey apartment block.)

The Convent of Santa Clara la Real: 14th to 18th centuries. Commonly known as “Las Claras”, because of the nuns of the Enclosed Order, it is a medieval convent built on the foundations of the “Alcazar Seguir” whose beautiful remains can still be admired today. It also has an 18th century Baroque church, an interesting Museum of Religious Art and a 15th century Mudejar- Gothic cloister. The latter is not usually on view, being whitin the nuns private enclosure.

The Almudí: 17th century (1602- 1628). Originally the “Pósito de Trigo”, a public silo for the storage of corn collected as tithes, it is attributed to Pedro Monte de Isla and was destroyed by lightning in 1612. To be noted are the Columned Courtyard and the main façade with its relief by Hernando de Torquemada showing Murcia as a mother who gestures aside her own children in order to feed homeless waifs, an allegory of the heartfelt hospitality so typical of our city. Reconditioned in 1985, it is now used as an Art Centre and City Archives.

The “Salitre” Garden: 19th- 20th centuries. Until the 70´s this area was part of the National Gunpowder and Salpetre Factory. Its shady trees date from that period, and it now constitutes a fine example of the modern development of quarters beyond the historic city centre. The medieval and Moorish Murcia, which could not afford room for open spaces within the city walls, is surrounded by a wide green belt composed of a succession of gardens, parks and green areas along the river banks, allowing us to enjoy the natural resources of this ecologically privileged region.



Murcia guide

Murcia Information
Murcia City
Murcia Gastronomy
Murcia Hotels
Murcia Museums
Murcia Traditions
Murcia Map
Murcia golf information
Murcia weather
Murcia street map
Murcia history

Murcia geography

Murcia transports

Murcia Nature Reserve

Murcia Walks

Murcia Cathedral

Murcia Romea Theatre

Murcia Monuments

From the River to the Alameda
From the Malecon to the Auditorium
From San Francisco Sq to Sta Isabel Sq
From la Merced to San Juan Sq.
Murcia Surroundings
Murcia Useful Numbers

The Coast of Murcia

The Countryside of Murcia
La Huerta of Murcia

Visiting La Huerta

Murcia religious sculptures

Murcia accommodation

Murcia restaurants

Lorca street map


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