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San Martín de Valdeiglesias. Navalcarnero

Leaving Madrid on A-5 and M-501, we go to Villaviciosa de Odón. At the doors of this town, the Army Archives are located in a very old palace rebuilt by Juan Herrera and later by Ventura Rodríguez. From Villaviciosa to Bohadilla, taking M-513 and, after crossing the Guadarrama River, we turn off onto M-511 going past Brunete.

Next we take M-504, passing through Sevilla La Nueva, which has a palace recently restored by the Community of Madrid. We continue toward the Alberche Valley, leaving behind villages such as Villanueva de Perales, Villamantilla and Chapinería.

To the right of the San Juan Reservoir we come into Pelayo de la Presa and, only seven kilometres away, we make a stop in San Martín de Valdeiglesias, which is the main stop in the Alberche Valley. It has a parish church, work of Juan Herrera, which has an important collection of baroque paintings. Continuing on M-507, turning to the East, passing through Cadalso de los Vidrios, famous for its wines and having a superb construction from the XVI century, the Villena Palace.

In Navalcarnero, the Porticada Plaza welcomes us, or the Segovia Plaza, with its irregular shape. Aside from that, the wine from this village has a very good reputation. From Navalcarnero to Madrid we take N-V through Móstoles and Alcorcón.

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