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Huesca Museums

Museo de los Oficios y Artes Tradicionales de Aínsa
Address: Plaza de San Salvador, 10
22330 Aínsa
Phone: 974510075
Fax: 974510075

The Morillo de Tou Traditional Pottery Centre
Morillo de Tou is not just a normal Aragonese village in the province of Huesca. Its whole existence changed radically when work began on the Mediano reservoir, which holds water collected practically from the point where the River Cinca meets and merges with the River Ara up to the village of Aínsa.

Construction of the dam led directly to the expropriation of the village of Morillo de Tou and several other villages along the banks of the Cinca, whose fields were lost under the waters. This naturally meant that the village was abandoned and fell into ruin. Nevertheless, after many years, successful attempts were made to persuade the Environment Ministry to assign the village for a fixed period to the CC.OO. trade union with the intention of restoring Morillo de Tou’s streets and buildings and converting them into a tourist attraction.

Museo de Creencias y Religiosidad Popular del Pirineo Central

Address: Calle del Castillo, s/n
Abizanda (Huesca)
Phone: 974300326
Fax: 974300372

Museo de Bielsa
Phone: 974501000
Fax: 974501040

Museo de Juegos Tradicionales

Address: Calle Pallarez, s/n
Campo (Huesca)
Phone: 974550136
Fax: 974550136

Huesca Museum

The building that now houses the collections of the Provincial museum of Huesca was once called the Sertorian University. Founded by Pedro IV in 1354 it was also the residence of the kings of Aragon when they were visiting the city of Huesca. This Royal Palace, or what remains of it, is a good example of the civil Romanesque style. There remain two connected buildings of sandstone masonry from the end of the XII century and the beginning of the XIII.

More information
Plaza de la Universidad, 1. Huesca.
Tel.: 974 22 05 86/ 974 22 09 71

Opening times
From 9 to 14 h. From Tuesday to saturday
Sundays from 10 to 14 h.
Closed on Mondays

Museo Pedagógico
Address: Museo Pedagógico (la Escuela de Ayer)
Calle Sancho Ramírez, 24
22001- Huesca
Phone: 974 227361
Fax: 974 245013

Museo Ángel Orensanz y Artes del Serrablo
Address: Calle San Nicolás, s/n
El Puente de Sabiñánigo (Huesca)
Phone: 974484261

Museo de la Electricidad
Address: Edificio de Servicios Múltiples
Vía Pirenaica, 8
Seira (Huesca)
Phone: 974553131
Fax: 974553830

The Hecho Museum of contemporary sculpture

The Hecho Open-Air Museum of Contemporary Sculpture, which stands at the entrance to the village of Hecho, is divided up into several separate exhibition spaces. Firstly, there is the large open-air space reserved for the majority of the large-scale sculptures owned by the museum. To one side of this field dotted with sculptures is a building used to exhibit paintings and small sculptures. Finally, a visit around the streets of Hecho will enable the visitor to inspect several examples of the plastic arts on display in the open-air.

Miguel Servet's Museum House
July 2003 marked the first anniversary of the visitor centre created in the house in Villanueva de Sijena which was the birthplace of "Miguel Servet(Michael Servetus)", one of Aragon’s most famous sons. The Centre provides a journey through his life and multi-faceted works as mathematician, astrologer, geographer, translator, physician and theologian.

The Visitor Centre is located in a sixteenth-century palace, was officially declared a Site of Special Cultural Interest in 1990 and was eventually restored for use as a museum. The front of the building has preserved some Gothic text from the time of its construction, as well as the entrance archway. The current door is an exact reproduction of the original and retains the original door handle and knocker. The cobbled entrance hall has maintained the winepresses, which have fortunately been saved.

Further information:

Villanueva de Sijena Town Hall
Plaza de España s/n Tel.: 974 57 81 37

Huesca guide

Huesca Information
Huesca City
Huesca Gastronomy
Huesca Hotels
Huesca Museums
Huesca Natural Parks
Huesca golf information
Huesca weather
Huesca restaurants
Huesca Map

Huesca accommodation
Huesca Cathedral
Church of San Pedro el Viejo
Barbastro information
Ainsa information
Sabiñanigo information
Jaca information
Panticosa information
Benasque information


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