Pollença Gastronomy
Like the rest of the island the area of Pollença
reflects I nits gastronomy the tradition of the Mediterranean
The area offers a wide range of Restaurants either in local cooking.Very
known are the following dishes: “ pa amb oli” (fried
potatoes, peppers and aubergines with tomato sauce), “arroç
brut” (stoc rice with meat and vegetables), “coques
de trempo I verdures” (tomato, onion and pepper or vegetable
plain case), “panades” (meat or vegetable pies), “llom
amb col” (pork filet with cabbage), “porcella”
(sucling pig), followed by an home- made ice- cream or “gató
d´ametlla” (almond cake)… or a delicious “ensaïmada
“sweet lard cake) from Mallorca.